Helpful Hints

READY TO SELL........NOT SO FAST Over the years I have been told, we are ready to sell our home, when can you list it?

 Here is “THE” list of must do’s to maximize your profit from your home sale before it is ready to sell:

1. Curb Appeal is what buyers see first. Pull those unsightly weeds, mow that grass and rake those leaves. Plant some colorful flowers or plants and yes put some cute little yard ornaments in the front garden.

2. Your front door is the second thing they see. Please put a fresh coat of paint on it and add a brand new welcome mat.

3. Declutter. This is the one that scares every seller. You CAN do this. The definition of declutter is; remove unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded space. Minimize all décor, get rid of newspapers, magazines and paperwork of any kind. Put it in a box if you need to keep it but do not leave it out. Over decorating is included in decluttering. Your countertops should be free of all things including your coffee pot and toaster. You love your music box or teddy bear collection, great, your buyers don’t want to see it. Oh and hide the pet toys.

4. Depersonalize. Put away all family pictures, take everything off of your frig and yes even the grandkids finger paintings.

5. Touch up all walls and baseboard so that it looks fresh. You don’t need to repaint the whole house just give the impression it just was.

6. Buy a couple of clean smelling candles so that during showings your house smells delish. You can also buy plugins for bedrooms and bathrooms. Please make the smell consistent in all rooms.

7. Deep clean and make your house sparkle and keep it this way throughout your selling process. If you think you need a new toilet seat, go buy one. They’re inexpensive and it adds value to your potential buyer’s impression of your home.

8. Hang new towels in your bathrooms. Again, inexpensive but appearances go a long way.

9. Make sure all lightbulbs are working.

10. Your backyard needs to have the same love as your front yard. This is where your potential buyers will spend a lot of time.

Moving Timeline

8 Weeks prior: PURGE PURGE PURGE: Do you really need it, would you ever use it, wear it and where would you put it? Create a moving binder which includes your moving budget, contact moving companies for quotes and when you decide or book your truck rental reservation make sure you have a written confirmation and identify who is going to help you move. Begin packing things you won’t use in the next couple of months. Holiday decorations, off season clothing, photos and scrap books. Make sure you label all boxes.

4 Weeks prior: Change your address with the post office. Contact all utility companies and transfer services to your new home. Make sure you transfer all existing mail subscriptions. Keep packing as time is getting closer for your new adventure.

2 Weeks prior: Schedule Dates; time off at work, child care/pet care, and reconfirm movers or truck rental reservation. Pack first night box or suitcase, clean sheets and towels, change of clothes, personal hygiene items and something bubbly to toast to your new home. Finish any last repairs. Inspect your home to make sure everything is in proper working condition.

2 Days prior: Do laundry, clean those clothes before you move-you’ll have plenty of other things to do after you move in. Now that everything is packed do your final cleaning.

It’s the BIG DAY: Eat a well balanced breakfast and keep plenty of snacks and water on hand as this will help keep you going all day. Get your equipment; pick-up truck or make sure everything is ready for the movers arrival. KEEP CALM! Make sure to breathe. Take one step at a time and take a break anytime you need one.  Make your bed first thing.  You will thank me later.